The D20, an initiative led by the Jô Clemente Institute (IJC), brought together leaders and organizations to promote the political participation of people with disabilities in G20 discussions and officially deliver the package of recommendations to authorities.
With the support of the Disability Rights Fund (DRF), the IJC gathered leaders, movements, and organizations focused on including people with disabilities in society, aiming to ensure this group's political participation in global G20 discussions. In their speeches, people with disabilities presented demands that were discussed during the working groups held in the second half of 2024.
The discussions resulted in a package of recommendations for authorities, aimed at increasing visibility for people with disabilities across various thematic areas such as climate justice, sustainable development, health, education, culture, technology, and access to justice.
The D20 Conference: New Perspectives on Inclusion for People with Disabilities, held on November 13th, was a historic milestone. Through panels and roundtable discussions, the D20 focused on mobilizing people with disabilities to influence global decisions in economic, political, and social spheres. The main goal of the event was to strengthen the presence and influence of this group, emphasizing the perspectives of people with disabilities on issues in the global agenda.